13 Sep 2019


Greetings to the Bradbury School Community

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! On behalf of all staff at Bradbury School, we wish you and your family love, peace and happiness in this very special season of reunion.

In this newsletter, you will find the candidate statements from three parents who have put their name forward to sit on the school council. The school council is the governing body of the school. The purpose of the council is to provide the best education for all of our students, which at Bradbury is a diverse group of children, with around 30 nationalities represented, as well as those students with special learning needs.  Bradbury caters for 21 students who have been identified as needing a modified curriculum, and we have an extra staffing provision to provide for these students. The council is made up of the stakeholder groups of school: community representatives, staff representatives, support staff representatives, parent representatives, including a PTA representative. (Monica Brennand has recently been elected to this post) as well as a Chair, an ESF ex officio representative and myself.

In your child’s school bag today, you will find a ballot paper for you to vote for two new members of our School Council. Please be sure to mark your ballot paper with your vote and return it to school in the special envelope provided by Friday 20th September.

Our wonderful Bradbury School Family Picnic is next Friday 20th September, 5-7pm. This is one of the best nights of the school year! Please come along with a rug, a picnic, and your lanterns ready to enjoy the night, including the first ever performance of the Bradbury Band! Please note that this is a social event, teachers are “off duty” and will not be providing supervision for students, all children must be looked after by their parent. Also, please note that helpers are welcome to attend, however, they must attend with the parents of the children they care for, and not on their own.  Please remember to bring your lantern!


Sandra Webster

Candidate Statement:  Bhawna Shetty

Candidate Statement:  Fiona Fung

Candidate Statement:  Catherine Hufton

Important Dates

N.B. Dates and Activities may change from time to time. Please check the online calendar for the weekly updates on www.bradbury.edu.hk calendar. Thank you.

13 September 2019 Open Day at Island School (Y6 Parents) 8:30 a.m.
17 September 2019 P.T.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6:00 p.m.
20 September 2019 Deadline to turn in Ballots for the
Election of Parent Member of School Council
By 6:00 p.m.
20 September 2019 6H/6G Class Assembly 9:00 a.m.
20 September 2019 SCHOOL PICNIC 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
25 September 2019 P.Y.P. PARENTS INFORMATION SESSION 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
27 September 2019 5C/5B Class Assembly 9:00 a.m.
30 September 2019 E.S.F. / BRADBURY  CPD DAY

(No classes for students)

01 October 2019 National Day Public Holiday (No Classes) ——–
03 October 2019 Year 2 Botanical Trip 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
07 October 2019 –

11 October 2019 (inclusive)

Half Term Holidays (No Classes) ——–
14 October 2019 Back to School 8:30 a.m.
16 October 2019 World Food Day
16 October 2019 Parental Consultations 1 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
18 October 2019 Community Gardening Day
18 October 2019 2T Class Assembly
21 October 2019 Year 1 DTaP-IPV Immunizations
24 October 2019 Year 5 Cake Sale 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
24 October 2019 Parental Consultations 2 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
25 October 2019 Bradbury CPD Day (No Classes) ——–
30 October 2019 –

01 November 2019

Book Fair 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Shoe and uniform reminder:

A reminder that school uniform shoes are black.  These need to be sturdy school shoes, not party or slip-on shoes, which may be hazardous in the wet or on stairs.  Sports shoes should be white or black.  If you have difficulty locating these, a small coloured insert is acceptable.  No coloured laces, lights or wheels. Sports shoes should only be worn on timetabled specialist PE days. We encourage our students to take pride in wearing the correct uniform and additional, non-uniform items should be left at home. No nail polish, stick on tattoos or
jewellery is to be worn.

What is Action

By Amanda Bremner, PYP Coordinator

Action is integral to the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Through taking individual and collective action, students understand the responsibilities associated with being internationally minded and to appreciate the benefits of working with others for a shared purpose. When students see actions that they can choose to take to make a difference, they see themselves as competent, capable and active agents of change (Oxfam 2015). Through action, students develop a sense of belonging to local and global communities and they understand the interconnectedness and interdependence of issues, while being able to consider these from multiple perspectives (Oxfam 2015, UNESCO 2015).

Initiated by students, PYP action is authentic, meaningful, mindful, responsible and responsive. Action could be:

  • a change in attitude
  • a consideration or plan for action in the future
  • a demonstration of responsibility, or of respect for self, others and the environment
  • a commitment to leading or participating in a youth advocacy group
  • an engagement in school decision-making or an expression of support in community, local and global decision-making.

Taking action

Students take action in response to their inquiries or motivation to make a positive difference, bring about positive change (Boix Mansilla, Jackson 2011) or further their learning. As an integral part of the learning process, action can be embarked upon at any point and can take many forms, depending on individual development, learning and experiences.

Action can be short or long term, revisited or ongoing. It may be individual or collective, small or large scale and may take place at home, at school or in local or wider communities. Some actions may not always be visible or immediately impactful; they might appear in the form of impressions left on students, or small things that go unnoticed because they are part of the daily life of the learning community.

For early years students, the foundation of action comes from an understanding of self and a responsibility towards relationships with peers and the wider community. Members of the learning community support this understanding by modelling the appropriate use of language and social behaviors. At this stage of development, action may start with small adjustments of behaviour, which may include the development of responsible dispositions towards themselves and others, and in making appropriate choices. Action is responsive to experiences that are personally meaningful and, as with all action, is authentic, reflective and mindful.

Supporting action

Teachers and other members of the learning community can support student action by:

  • acknowledging the various forms of action that occur
  • helping students connect action with lived /personal experiences
  • engaging students in dialogue around what action is
  • analysing the scope of possibilities for action
  • encouraging students to consider the appropriateness and impact of their actions
  • guiding students to reflect on their actions and adjust their course of action when necessary
  • planning for inquiry that supports making informed choices
  • providing opportunities for skills development that facilitates action
  • collaborating as needed, to plan and carry out action
  • allotting time for students to apply their learning about action
  • supporting students in establishing and maintaining connections to local and wider communities by providing service learning
    opportunities, in response to need, such as volunteering.

Upcoming Action Opportunities at Bradbury

  • World Food Day Collection – 16th September to the 18th October
  • Redress Asia Clothing Drive – 14th October to 25th October
  • Get Redressed Day – 23rd October
  • Feeding People in Need for families – 29th Oct 6-7.30pm Nam Cheong MTR stop
  • Hike for Hunger with Sunshine Action – Sunday 17th November
  • Box of Hope collection – December
  • More information will follow shortly through the newsletters and class emails.

Student Health Service, School Dental Care Service, and Y1 Immunisation

By Lauren Lau, School Health Professional

Please note that Student Health Service & School Dental Service Application forms have been distributed to all of the classes. Please fill in the form and hand it in before the 16th September 2019 (Monday).

If you are interested in applying for the School Dental Service for your child, you are required to submit the completed application form together with a cheque of HK $30, made payable to Bradbury School. Please write your child’s name and class on the back of the cheque.


Year 1  Combined Diptheria, Tetanus,  acelluar Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (DTaP-IPV)

The immunisation team of the Health Department will visit our School on the 21st of October (Monday). They will provide the DTaP-IPV for Year 1 students. The vaccination that the nurses provide is funded by the Hong Kong Government, and does not require a fee.

The forms have been distributed in class. Please fill in either the consent form/ refusal form, and return it to the medical room before October 14th Monday.

Please complete the form, and attach your child’s immunisation records. The medical records will be returned to you immediately after the immunisation. ( Copy or Original is acceptable).

If there are any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Student Council 2019/20

By Mike McKee, Vice Principal

We are pleased to announce our Student Council representatives for 2019/20.

Junior Council Senior Council
1C Ivy Fang 4B Melody Chan
1R Ethan Taylor 4V Selwyn Hui
1P Lana Parker 4A Elizabeth Lang
1Z Haris Rusu Boca 4S Erin Tse
1B Annabelle Leung 5C Trisha Cheng
2A Imelda Cockayne 5M Grace Cook
2T Natalie Lai 5B Anushka Dutt
2E Georgia Lowe 5T Kathleen Sylvester
2F Phoebe Simmons 6P Cadman Strid
3G Mini Yau 6H Charlize Cheung
3C Sarah Chen 6G Taylor Foote
3B Emily Hill 6T Aidan Fu
3L Amber Stokes

This year the Student Council will work as separate junior and senior groups, being mentored by Mike McKee and Amanda Bremner respectively. This will enable us to create opportunities at an appropriate level where we can grow leadership skills and capabilities.

We are looking forward to meeting regularly with our leaders, gathering voice from peers, leading action, as well as unpacking the art of leadership.

Year 4 Outing

By Steve Allan, Year 4 Leader

Year 4 students visited a supermarket and wet market in Wan Chai to find out where our food comes from and how it is packaged.  We then met with representatives from Plastic Free Seas to discuss the effects of all this plastic packaging is having on our environment.

Library News

By Jane Thompson, Teacher Librarian


Once again the Library is looking forward to hosting our annual Book Fair. This year we are inviting Fun to Read to Bradbury to sell their books in the Library. The Book Fair will be open from 8.00 am until 2:30 pm on Wednesday 30th October,  Thursday 1st November, and Friday 2nd  November.  Parents are welcome to browse at any time.

Students will have an opportunity to browse and make purchases during their assigned class time.

If you would like your child to purchase one or more book/s on their allocated day please send them with an appropriate amount of money in a secure purse or container. The cost of most paperback books will be around $100 and hardback books are generally priced between $150-$220. Please remind your child to be responsible for both their money and purchases. If you are concerned about your child handling money, please feel free to do your own browsing and purchasing together in their allocated class buying time. 

Reminders and the class schedule will be sent out closer to the date of the book fair.

West Island School Open Day

West Island School will host the annual Open Day on 18 September.  Please follow the link for details and to sign-up:  https://www.wis.edu.hk/open-day-wednesday-18-september-2019/

Sibling Applications

Reminder for parents regarding Sibling applications for Year 1 (born in 2015) Central Applications application period is from 1-30 September 2019.  Online applications:  https://www.esf.edu.hk/esf-admissions/

Mid-Autumn Festival Eco Tip:

PTA Picnic Recycling

By Amanda Bremner, PYP Coordinator

This year we will be recycling any empty bottles and cans at the school Picnic. Ms Bremner will be monitoring this along with some Action Agents. Labelled bags will be located in the undercover playground area where your empty bottles and cans can be placed. Troughs of water will also be set up as any bottles and cans must be rinsed before they are placed in the collection bags.

Any other waste brought into the school for this event must be taken home with families.

PYP Introductory Workshop

By Amanda Bremner, PYP Coordinator

Parents are invited to a workshop on the elements of the PYP (Primary Years Programme) which underpins all our teaching and learning at Bradbury. We will be looking at the IB’s philosophy, assessment in the PYP, teaching and learning and agency. This will be held on:

WEDNESDAY 25th September from 8.30am to 10.00am in the School Hall.

This workshop is aimed at new families to Bradbury school and those that would like to find out more about the core parts of the PYP framework.

Please register with Ms. Fritzi in the office if you plan on attending. fritzi.yu@bradbury.edu.hk or 25748249

PTA News

By Monica Brennand, Acting PTA Chairperson &  Lin Gong, PTA Administrator

PTA Shop hours are from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.


Year 1 Cake Sale

The Yea One cake sale was a huge success where we raised $6,340.  Thank you for everyone who volunteered to help and for all the cakes!



Our AGM will take place next week on Tuesday 17th September followed by WINE & TAPAS.   Please join us if you can!



Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to be a class parent this year.  We really appreciate your support and look forward to working with you all throughout the year!

Class Class Parent
1B Kelly Xu
1C Felicia Goy
1P Sarah Hamilton
1R Swati Mehta
1Z Veronica Booth
2A Monica Brennand
2E Winnie Wong
2F Melissa Tung
2T Laura Ferrington
3B Julia Broad
3C Lynda Taylor
3G Bhawna Shetty
3L James Reeves
4A Fiona Pang
Carol Ip
4B Catherine Hufton
4S Roberta Di Fazizo
Tina Volking
4V Marjolein Graper
5B Elise Phillipson
5C Helen Choi
5M Saman Rizvi
5T Khyati Mehta
6G Nyree Chung
6H Lia Farrow
6P Cherry Strid
6T Jodie Coutts



Today is the last day for you to submit your donations to the Winter Night Market raffle.  Remember we don’t need the physical prize, just the details to complete our license form.  Thank you to everyone who has already donated, we’ve got some fantastic prizes this year!

Third-Party Organised After School Activities

Dear Parents,
The following companies are currently hiring our facilities to provide extra curricular activities for students. You may browse the school website under “LIFE AT BRADBURY” for their programs and enroll your child directly to the company:

ESF Sports, contact 2711 1280 or sports@esf.org.hk website: www.esf.org.hk

Soccer & Basketball Training – Adventure Sports Academy Ltd, contact Eilis Cheung at 3998 4042
or info@adventuresportsacademy.com
website: www.adventuresportsacademy.com

Fabric Art, Fabric Design, Crafting & Creative Sewing – Alifya Kasubhai, contact at 9281 5290
or contact@fabricart-hk.com
website: www.fabricart-hk.com

Sanskriti/Hindi Language Class – Brilliant Learning
International Ltd., contact Geetanjali Dhar
at 3563 4300 or info@sanskritiglobal.org
website: www.sanskritiglobal.org

Singing, Acting, Dancing – Ballet, Jazz, Tap Dance – CentreStage Studios HK Ltd., contact Imogen Taylor or Kaijah Bell at 5236 7960 or 2689 2272
or admin@centrestagestudioshk.com
website:  www.centrestagestudioshk.com

Swedish Language and Culture – Swedish Cultural
Society, contact Linda at 9316-6599
or svenskaskolanhongkong@hotmail.com
website: www.svenskaskolan.hk

Chess Class & Camp – HoYinPingChess, contact Yin Ping Ho at 9215 2682 or hoyinpingchess@gmail.com
website:  https://www.hoyinpingchess.com/

N.B. Bradbury School is not responsible for the quality and safety of programmes offered by third parties. However, please note that all hirers are required to provide third party liability insurance. Parents are urged to take steps to ensure that they are satisfied with any and all aspects of the after school programme(s) they elect to opt in to.

Download the newsletter in PDF:

Bradbury Newsletter - 13 Sept 2019.pdf
